Rep. Smucker’s Workforce Policies Adopted by House in Bipartisan Vote

Washington—Rep. Lloyd Smucker (PA-11) advanced his workforce development policies as a part of H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America Act, which passed the House with a strong bipartisan vote of 378 to 26.
Two pieces of legislation introduced by Rep. Smucker, the Workforce Reentry Act and the Building Youth Workforce Skills Act, were included in the final text of H.R. 6655 A Stronger Workforce for America Act.
“The best anti-poverty program is a great job. This bill will help connect individuals to programs to learn new skills to excel in family-sustaining careers. I am thankful that my legislation to provide congressional oversight of workforce reentry programs and make resources available to in-school youth to upskill with individual training accounts was included as part of this bipartisan bill. This legislation makes needed improvements to federal workforce development programs, and I urge the Senate to take up this bill without delay, so we can connect more Americans to work,” said Rep. Lloyd Smucker.
Rep. Smucker’s Workforce Reentry Act, reasserts congressional oversight over the federal Reentry Employment Opportunity Program which has existed outside of statute, allowing Congress to hold the program, which is intended to connect justice-involved individuals to the workforce, to rigorous outcome metrics and ensure that the individuals the programs assist are obtaining stable employment and incentivized not to re-offend.
Legislation Rep. Smucker introduced with Rep. Moran (TX-1) which allows in-school youth to access Individualized Training Accounts through which they can participate in training programs and get a jump start in their careers, was also included in the underlying bill.
The legislation now heads to the Senate.
Additional information on H.R. 6655 A Stronger Workforce for America Act, courtesy of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce:
- Background:
- When the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was enacted in 2014, it made crucial improvements to streamline the maze of federal workforce development programs and enhance accountability through a single set of performance metrics.
- The Problem:
- Employers are struggling to fill the jobs they need to grow their businesses and meet the upskilling needs of workers, hampering critical industries and undermining our economic competitiveness. The workforce system under WIOA, which exists to address these challenges, needs reform to ensure workers—including those without a bachelor’s degree—can access good-paying jobs.
- The Solution:
- H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America Act, makes critical updates to WIOA that will increase the amount of skills development provided under the law, strengthen connections between employers and the workforce system, and put more Americans on the pathway to a successful career.
- Specifically, H.R. 6655, A Stronger Workforce for America Act:
- Upgrades the skills of the American workforce by dedicating 50 percent of the adult and dislocated worker funding towards upskilling workers.
- Creates an emphasis on employer-led initiatives that equip workers with the skill sets to fill jobs in critical industries and help the currently employed workforce upskill to avoid displacement and advance their careers.
- Ensures workers displaced from their jobs through no fault of their own can access robust skill development services, including through “individual training accounts.”
- Increases accountability, quality, and efficiency by streamlining the “eligible training provider list” to ensure programs are aligned with the skill and hiring demands and fully implementing the performance accountability system to hold states and local workforce boards accountable for achieving positive outcomes for program participants.
- Strengthens pathways to continue economic opportunity by emphasizing work-based learning for youth, codifying a program to help individuals released from incarceration transition back to employment, and enhancing workforce education programs at community colleges that align with in-demand jobs.
- Bottom Line:
- This bipartisan legislation provides essential updates and improvements to WIOA that will strengthen the workforce development system, encourage innovation, and offer career opportunities for millions of Americans.
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